The Communist left is attacking Christian Parents

Liberals now claim Christian parents are dangerous. This is an existential threat we can’t ignore LifeSiteNews – Over the past two decades, it has slowly dawned on Christians that the implications of same-sex “marriage” are far greater for those who still believe in the traditional understanding of marriage than even the cynics first thought possible. The politicians, the academics, and … Click Here to Read More

Democrat Satanists and Witches Mock Prayer for Victims of Texas Massacre

The Enemies of God and Humanity could not resist the opportunity to take a swipe at those who offered up prayer for the families and  victims in Sutherland Springs, Texas. Galatians 6:7 “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” These Satanists and Witches will get their just due. Many of … Click Here to Read More

Then they came for Me

Then they cane for Me – History repeats itself Jon Watkins Online Ministries Adapted from “First They Came for the Jews” By Pastor Niemoller. You can read it below.First they came for Prayer in School and I did not speak out because I was Busy. Then they came for the Unborn and I did not speak out because I did … Click Here to Read More