New Age Witch Claims to go Back and Forth to Heaven!

Beware Of The End Times Deception Of ‘The Warrior’s Dance’ Written By ‘Seer’ Ana Werner Who Says She Travels Back And Forth Between Heaven And Earth Geoffrey Grider | NTEB – Paul was taken to the Third Heaven, yes, but Paul was the leader of the New Testament Church, and wrote 14 books of the New Testament. Not only that, … Click Here to Read More

The 2020 Half Time Whore Show

Including Young Exploited Girls, Occult Symbolism, Witchcraft and Satanism!  The Devil helps Idols to Dance and Sing, Wither and Scream, all while they forget the Lord and chase their Dream.  by Jon Watkins | 2/3/20 Proverbs 30:20 “Such is the way of an adulterous woman; she eateth, and wipeth her mouth, and saith, I have done no wickedness.” I … Click Here to Read More

Animists-Maoists-Hindu Extremists and Police Unite against Christians

Animists Opposing Christianity in India Find Allies in Maoists, Police, Hindu Extremists Animists and Hindu extremists mob against Christian burial of Mohan Nag’s daughter Suman Nag in Ulnar village, Chhattisgarh state. (Morning Star News) HYDERABAD, India (Morning Star News) – In an area of central India where tribal animists enlist Maoist militants to kill Christians who refuse to recant, Sodi … Click Here to Read More

Buddhists have a Robot Priest too

Move over Catholics. Bless U-2 Robot Priest gets Competition from the Buddhists Playing god: Japan temple puts faith in robot priest Yahoo News – A 400-year-old temple in Japan is attempting to hot-wire interest in Buddhism with a robotic priest it believes will change the face of the religion — despite critics comparing the android to “Frankenstein’s monster.” The android … Click Here to Read More

One-in-ten people report having a Near-Death Experience in their life

The Apostle Paul went to heaven and saw the Lord. 2nd Corinthians 12:1-4 “It is not expedient for me doubtless to glory. I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord. 2 I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God … Click Here to Read More

Catholics, Jews and Buddhists take part it Satanic Experiment

Religious leaders get high on Magic Mushrooms ingredient – for Science

The Guardian – Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore enlists priests, rabbis and a Buddhist to test the effects of psychedelic drugs on religious experience

Scientists at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore have enlisted two dozen religious leaders from a wide range of denominations, to participate in a study in which they will be given two powerful doses of psilocybin, the active ingredient in magic mushrooms.

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