As it was in the Days of Noah? Matthew and Luke Scriptures Coming to Pass!

U.S. Government Cannibalizing Babies to Produce Human-Animal Chimeras  Matthew 24:32-44   Luke 17:22-37 How does the article below tie in with the Days of Noah you ask? Read it and then the comparison after. To the Mockers, Scoffers and non-believers, it does Not matter what YOU believe. It matters what the Bible SAYS! Ecclesiastes 1:8-11 “All things are full of labour; … Click Here to Read More

Giants are STILL in the land!

Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum. They are coming out of Hibernation! Saw this while browsing the days news. This video was supposedly taken in 2006. I wonder how many more of the Giants have come out of “Hibernation” since then? Genesis 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the … Click Here to Read More

9 yr. old Boy has vision of Wormwood, Nuclear War, and GIANTS coming out of the Earth!

There are some troubling times ahead and some very Nasty things that will come UP OUT OF THE EARTH!

This is a very timely vision seeing how there have been Multiple News stories of Asteroids  passing by earth and Climactic weather,  the threat of Nuclear War with North Korea,  and recent “revealings” of suppressed information of the ancient past! See trailer at the end of this article.

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