The Marxist Freaks Running Disney are Hell-Bent To Normalize Pedophilia

Disney Peddles Marxist Broke Wokeness What is Goofy’s sexual preference? Is Minnie pan-sexual? Is Snow White secretly into BDSM? Jon Bowne | News Wars – The left’s Marxist revolution to normalize pedophilia has in recent years launched a full-scale invasion from its decades-old Frankfurt School origins on American schools, culture, and government. These progressives, democratic socialists and community activists – … Click Here to Read More

The NOT So Wonderful World of Disney Is Full of Child Sexual Predators and Other Minions of Lucifer

And YOU keep right on promoting and watching their Witchcraft laced programming—that is grooming your Child or Grand Child—to be a Homosexual, Lesbian, Pedophile, Witch, Satanist, and a Hater of the Living God! YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM if you allow your Child or Grand Child to watch ANY of this UN-Godly spawn from Hell. YOU WILL be held … Click Here to Read More

Sex Ed Camp for Children Run By Pedophiles

Sexual Pervert Pedophiles in Indiana to Run Summer Molestation Camp in June 2022 Pedophile Activists Host ‘Non-Binary’ Sex Ed Summer Camp for 8 Year Olds Sean Adl-Tabatabai | News Punch – A liberal summer camp in Indianapolis, Indiana, devoted to sex demonstrations for third-grade children is being organized by a group of pedophile activists who want to teach minors about … Click Here to Read More

How Do We Accept Them When THEY Reject THE WORD of GOD?

How can Homosexuals, Lesbians and Trannys expect US True Christians, to accept them for who they are, when they can not accept the way God made them? The day that they acknowledge God, what His Word says about Creation, that a Man is a Man and a Woman is a Woman, is the day I will accept them for who … Click Here to Read More

Pledge Allegiance to Gay Pride Flag being pushed by Communist Lesbian Teacher

Teacher Being Investigated for Urging Students to Pledge Allegiance to Gay Pride Flag Amy Furr | Breitbart News – A school district in California is investigating a teacher who posted a video urging her students to pledge allegiance to the gay pride flag, Fox News reported Saturday. “Okay, so during third period, we have announcements and they do the pledge … Click Here to Read More

The Hypocrisy of Willie Brown’s Harlot is Beyond Measure!

It is so thick, You can cut it with a knife! Kamala Harris: ‘Women Have Been Given the Responsibility to Perpetuate the Human Species’ – Sen. Kamala Harris (D.-Calif.), the Democratic vice presidential nominee, said in a Democratic presidential primary debate on Oct. 15, 2019 that “women have been given the responsibility to perpetuate the human species.” Harris was … Click Here to Read More

Jezebel Luciferian: Human Race Must Become Extinct to Save the Planet

New Age Witch wants the Georgia Guide Stones mantra to become reality!  Let the Extinction begin with her, and other demon possessed wacko nuts like her. They have built a Suicide Machine that I would guess she can use! How about she schedule a suicide party for all of her wacko groupies and start the ball rolling! I am sure … Click Here to Read More

FemiNazis can’t define what a Woman is!

Joseph Backholm was in Washington D.C. for the 2020 Women’s March. The question he poses at the march seems relatively simple, “What is a woman?” but maybe this question is harder to answer than we thought. Here Jezebel’s, let me help you with that! What is the Jezebel Spirit? Listen and then read what God says a REAL Woman is! … Click Here to Read More

Lunatic Lesbian: “Heterosexuality is just not Working”

It will never work for Lesbians and Homosexuals who have been given over to a Reprobate Mind! See these articles Medusa Cult and Feminism Virtuous Women and Foolish Women Silly Women and the Feminist Movement Feminism is a SIN Plague just like Leprosy! And What of the Women? Exhibitionists, Harlots and Jezebels Feminists Hate and Destroy Everything Including Themselves! The … Click Here to Read More

LGBTQPXYZ News: July 24, 2019

Ex-‘ Drag Queen’ shares his story – what that lifestyle is really like Freed from bondage by Christ. He is now head of the MassResistance Dallas chapter helping parents and families fight back! Ex- Drag Queen shares his story! (3 min 46 sec) What sort of people are these “Drag Queens,” who are brought in by public library officials to … Click Here to Read More