LGBTQPXYZ News: December 7, 2018

Tranny odds-on favorite to win Miss Universe Miss Universe is breaking new ground at this year’s pageant with the first transgender contestant to ever compete for the crown, and those betting on the competition are declaring her a heavy favorite. Angela Ponce won her qualifying rounds in Spain and will represent her country at the 2018 Miss Universe pageant in … Click Here to Read More

Feminist Jezebel’s Pen a Women’s Bible

Revelation 22:18-19 “For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: 19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away … Click Here to Read More

LGBTQPXYZ News: November 27, 2018

Hollywood’s War on Christianity: Chip and Joanna Gaines SMEARED After New Network Announcement Note: I really don’t care what celebrities do. However, the LGBTQPXYZ lovers have no problem when the Communist networks parade, praise and promote Tranny children on their networks. It is CHILD ABUSE and the parents should be charged with such! Just read the next news clip after … Click Here to Read More

LGBTQPXYZ News: November 21, 2018

Canadian Woman Upset After Church Revokes Membership Over Unrepentant Lesbianism OSHAWA, Ontario — A woman in Canada who is in a same-sex relationship recently took to Facebook and the media to express her objection after her church revoked her membership status as she had been repeatedly urged to repent of homosexuality but would not heed the counsel of her pastoral … Click Here to Read More

LGBTQPXYZ News: November 18, 2018

Victoria’s Secret Executive: ‘Hope’ to Include a Transgender Model in Women’s Lingerie Show The Victoria’s Secret brand hopes to showcase a ‘ transgender’ biological man in women’s underwear, says Ed Razek, the brand’s chief marketing officer. Razek’s statement came after progressives and transgender activists rallied on social media to complain he was excluding men who live as women from the brand’s … Click Here to Read More

LGBTQPXYZ News: November 11, 2018

Scotland makes LGBTPXYZ indoctrination mandatory for School Children Schools in Scotland soon will be required to teach students LGBT history to prevent “homophobia and transphobia” and to encourage exploration of their gender identity. That’s according to the London Guardian, which says Scotland has become the first nation in the world to embed teaching about gender options in its regular school … Click Here to Read More

LGBTQPXYZ News: November 7, 2018

Professor Investigated for Declining to Address Male Student With Feminine Pronouns Files Suit PORTSMOUTH, Ohio — An Ohio professor who was placed under investigation for declining to address a male student who identifies as female with feminine pronouns has filed suit, stating that he should not be forced to violate his Christian convictions. Dr. Nicholas Meriwether, a philosophy professor at … Click Here to Read More

LGBTQPXYZ News: October 27, 2018

Trump Admin Plans To Scientifically Define Gender According To Biological Condition Present At Birth Leftists go Berserk!  LGBTQ activists use leftist tactics to split a church Activists within the United Methodist Church (UMC), America’s second largest Protestant denomination, are using the tactics of the American political Left to leverage a major change in their church. Those tactics include using: (A.) … Click Here to Read More

Abortion Lovers Demons are Manifesting like never before

Abortion Activist Assaults a Pro-Life Woman, Hitting Her With a Metal Clamp Pro-life advocates are facing growing hostility across the world. News Wars – Another pro-life advocate said she was assaulted Oct. 1 during a pro-life rally near Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada – the second attack reported in less than two weeks. The incident, which was captured on video, … Click Here to Read More

Lesbians Clash with Tranny’s at London Pride Parade

Ravenous Hyenas will eventually turn and eat each other! Just sit back Pray and watch the Spectacle! Matthew 15:14 “Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.” PJ Media – We told you it would happen, and it finally has. Conservatives long predicted that feminism … Click Here to Read More