Baptist Jezebel Feminist who claims to be a Christian and a Pastor Loves to Kill Babies in the Womb!

It makes me want to VOMIT when I see a headline like this. This Jezebel Harlot that is written about IS NOT A CHRISTIAN in anyway shape or form. The writer should have at least mentioned that this Feminist Democrat is not Christian. But then Life News is a Catholic news site, and unable to distinguish TRUE Christianity from counterfeit.  … Click Here to Read More

Nasty Nancy Pelosi Opines ‘Every Life Lost is a Profound Tragedy’

The truth is Nasty Nancy and that Gaggle of Leftist Bimbo’s in Congress love it when death occurs. They Revel in it! When you see them grand-standing they can’t contain themselves! They almost shutter in orgasmic delight when talking of  women’s rights, funding Planned Murderhood—and the Sacrifice of Baby’s to their god Lucifer via Abortion’s!!  Abortion Leading Global Cause of … Click Here to Read More

Democrat Platform: Abortion, BLM, LGBTQPXYZ Unleashes the Power of Women!

Nancy Pelosi gushed over the fact that the Communist Democrats were so diverse with Illegal Aliens, Homosexuals, Lesbians, Tranny’s and the rest of the LGBTQPXYZ crowd!  She also Praised Democrats for being champions of abortion during her rehearsed DNC speech. With all of that Abomination, that is what will send all of them to HELL! Micaiah Bilger | Life News … Click Here to Read More

The Hypocrisy of Willie Brown’s Harlot is Beyond Measure!

It is so thick, You can cut it with a knife! Kamala Harris: ‘Women Have Been Given the Responsibility to Perpetuate the Human Species’ – Sen. Kamala Harris (D.-Calif.), the Democratic vice presidential nominee, said in a Democratic presidential primary debate on Oct. 15, 2019 that “women have been given the responsibility to perpetuate the human species.” Harris was … Click Here to Read More

House of Moloch: 215 Democrats Demand Blood Of Innocent Babies

All of the Democrat Satanists Back Bill To Overturn Hundreds Of Pro-Life Laws Despite State’s Sovereign Citizens Approving Them 215 House Democrats Back Bill that Would Overturn Hundreds of Pro-Life State Laws Michael Foust | Christian Headlines – A bill that would guarantee a right to an abortion and overturn nearly every state-level restriction of the procedure has the support … Click Here to Read More

FemiNazis can’t define what a Woman is!

Joseph Backholm was in Washington D.C. for the 2020 Women’s March. The question he poses at the march seems relatively simple, “What is a woman?” but maybe this question is harder to answer than we thought. Here Jezebel’s, let me help you with that! What is the Jezebel Spirit? Listen and then read what God says a REAL Woman is! … Click Here to Read More

Abortion News December 7, 2019

Where the  2020 Democrat Presidential Candidates Stand On Late-Term Abortion Overview of State Abortion Laws  –  50 Pro-Life Passages in Scripture  –  What Companies support Abortion? Proverbs 1:15-16 “My son, walk not thou in the way with them; refrain thy foot from their path: 16 For their feet run to evil, and make haste to shed blood.”   Deuteronomy 30:19 “I … Click Here to Read More

Political Prophetess Warns: Climate Change turns Women into Harlots?

Lefty lawmaker warns: Climate change makes Women Prostitutes Without food, they’ll do anything to survive! That is according to Barbara Lee, Democrat Rep of California.  I am so glad this fine upstanding Jezebel of a woman has let us know the root of Prostitution. The cause has eluded mankind for centuries!  Now the John’s can give them food instead of … Click Here to Read More

Lunatic Lesbian: “Heterosexuality is just not Working”

It will never work for Lesbians and Homosexuals who have been given over to a Reprobate Mind! See these articles Medusa Cult and Feminism Virtuous Women and Foolish Women Silly Women and the Feminist Movement Feminism is a SIN Plague just like Leprosy! And What of the Women? Exhibitionists, Harlots and Jezebels Feminists Hate and Destroy Everything Including Themselves! The … Click Here to Read More

The Jezebel Spirit is Running Rampant

Understanding What The Jezebel Spirit Is And What You Can Do As A Saved Christian To Guard Against It From Appearing In Your Life Geoffrey Grider | NTEB – As born again Christians, we are called to a higher standard, that is always the goal though sometimes we admittedly will miss the mark. But our apostle Paul is crystal clear … Click Here to Read More