South African Pastor declares that Bleach is the Blood of Jesus!

I think there is a bit of Catholicism woven into this idiots thinking and doctrine! After all, Catholics believe the same thing, in that the Wafer becomes the body of Christ and that the wine is his real blood! Paganism at its best! The Irish Post – A CONTROVERSIAL PASTOR has defended asking the members of his congregation to drink … Click Here to Read More

Preaching has now been lowered to the Status of a Competition

I came across this post from November 26, 2015 in the old archived database as I was looking for something else. Sadly, it has gotten worse in the last three years! Mark 16:15 “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Preaching has now been lowered to the status of … Click Here to Read More

Greek Orthodox Church

What is the Greek Orthodox Church? They split off of Roman Catholicism and held on to the same rituals and idols. Still a False Belief plain and simple! From Got Questions – The Greek Orthodox Church (GOC) is a branch of Eastern Orthodoxy, which formally broke with the Western (or Roman Catholic) Church in AD 1054. Even though the Greek … Click Here to Read More

Another Wolf, false prophet and anti-Christ

I just wonder what Bible he is reading if he reads one at all! Maybe he just downloads his sermons off or the internet like so many idiots do. Or, and I believe this the case, he has direct communication with demon spirits! Megachurch Minister Claims It’s ‘Insanity’ to Believe Men Will Go to Hell for Rejecting Christ Heather Clark … Click Here to Read More

Prosperity Pimp Charlatan Kenneth Copeland is in love with his New $36 Million Jet

If a Prosperity Pimp is not preaching the Cross and Jesus Saves, he is not preaching the True Gospel of Jesus Christ. He or She should be ignored and rebuked until they repent and turn from their wicked ways! Kenneth Copeland is one lucky dude. It seems pretty obvious to me that his ministry is about him and how much … Click Here to Read More

Elder Murders his Wife who was an Associate Pastor

Looks like this is an ALL Black Church with a Woman as Co-Pastor (nothing wrong with that) and her Husband is Prophet. (there IS a problem with that) That should give you an indication of what kind of church it is. Browsing the website there is NOTHING giving a statement of faith, but plenty of links for you to give … Click Here to Read More

Doctrine of Separation

This is a good explanation of why Christians should separate from the world. I do have one problem with it. That being the use of Corrupt Bible Translations such as the NIV. The Doctrine of Separation by John Wolfe Church Education Resource Ministries Separation means literally according to the dictionary “the action or state of moving or being moved apart.” … Click Here to Read More

Then they came for Me

Then they cane for Me – History repeats itself Jon Watkins Online Ministries Adapted from “First They Came for the Jews” By Pastor Niemoller. You can read it below.First they came for Prayer in School and I did not speak out because I was Busy. Then they came for the Unborn and I did not speak out because I did … Click Here to Read More