LGBTQPXYZ News: January 31, 2019

‘Gay’ couple married by Ruth Ginsburg now arrested for rape

Two gays married by Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg – a prominent opera star and “his conductor husband” – have been arrested on rape accusations after a young musician claimed “he was left bleeding from the rectum after blacking out at an after-show party” with them.

David Daniels, 52, and Scott Walters, 37, were taken into custody in Michigan, where they live, reported the Daily Mail of London.

They were being held pending extradition to Houston.

Samuel Shultz came forward last year with the claim that he was raped after a musical performance there in 2010.

“In his complaint, Schultz, who was 23 at the time, described how he rarely drinks but accepted a drink from Daniels once they got back to the home the couple was staying in,” the report said.

WND reported last year when the claim Daniels and Walters drugged and raped the student arose.

Their marriage ceremony performed by Ginsburg in 2014 was highly publicized. Ginsburg later cast a decisive vote in the Supreme Court case in 2015 establishing a right to same-sex marriage, rejecting the will of millions of voters in many states.

She also publicly advocated for same-sex marriage as the case was under review. She told an interviewer it would not be a big adjustment for Americans to recognize homosexual marriage. She then ignored a formal request to recuse herself from the case, since she already had signaled her position.

Officials at the University of Michigan also confirmed at that time Daniels is on leave from his duties there.

Schultz claims he want to a party with the duo and accepted a drink. He says he was left unconscious and woke the next afternoon in a strange bed, disoriented, in pain and bleeding. Read much more here

Pennsylvania Library to Host ‘ Drag Queen Story Fun Time’ Featuring Man Who Goes by Stage Name ‘Annie Christ’

LANSDALE, Pa. — A prayer gathering and rally is scheduled for Saturday outside of a Pennsylvania library in response to a “ Drag Queen Story Fun Time” for children that will feature a man who goes by the stage name “Annie Christ”—a play-on-words of Anti-Christ.

“Trusted officials and library staff are promoting a foul-mouthed adult entertainer named ‘Annie Christ’ (a discriminative attack on Christianity) as a role model to our small children, and we must take action. Why is our library taking on such a politically controversial issue—especially when receiving our tax dollars?” asks the page for the prayer gathering.

According to reports, Eric Torres of Philadelphia chose the name “Annie Christ” for his stage name out of his “love of gothic themes, horror movies, and bands such as NIN.” His Instagram page features a mix of photos from his everyday life as Eric—such as his interest in mudding—and his alter persona as a drag performer—some of which are gory, some with grandiose wigs and makeup, and one where Torres painted an upside down cross on his forehead.

One video posted to YouTube shows “Annie Christ” performing to the song “You Can Touch My [Breasts],” with men in attendance reaching out and doing so.

Torres is scheduled to read to children at the Lansdale Public Library on Saturday for “ Drag Queen Story Fun Time”. According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, it was Torres who reached out the library to reserve a room for the event. The library, after conducting a background check, agreed. Read the rest about this pervert here

Days After Enshrining ‘Right’ to Kill Preborn, NY Governor Signs Bill Making ‘Gender Identity’ Discrimination Illegal

Christian News – Just days after enshrining in New York law the “right” for mothers to have their unborn children murdered, and in some cases, even up until birth, Gov. Andrew Cuomo has now signed two new bills into law: The Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act (GENDA) adds “gender identity and expression” to existing prohibitions against discrimination in housing and employment, and likewise makes violent crimes or threats against a person on the basis of their “gender identity” a hate crime. A separate bill prohibits mental health professionals from working to turn youth from homosexuality and transgenderism, but does not apply when children are counseled in “acceptance [and] support” of such lifestyles.

Saying “God bless you” to various individuals who have been behind the cause, who were cheered and applauded by those in attendance at the signing on Friday, Cuomo told those gathered at the LGBT Community Center in Manhattan that the legislation he has signed in recent days puts forward a “different set of social values than what we see in Washington.”

“They say in Washington, ‘We’re going to appoint Supreme Court justices who can roll back Roe v. Wade, because we want to take us back 47 years ago …’ We say, ‘No. No. You want to take us back, we’re going forward. We’re going to pass a woman’s right to choose and put it into the law,’” he declared. “And I want a constitutional amendment so that no legislature or governor can change it.”

“The Supreme Court says, ‘You can discriminate against transgenders in the military.’ That’s what they said last week. We say today, ‘No, you can’t. You cannot discriminate against people by gender identity, period,’” Cuomo stated, again being met with enthusiastic applause. Read more here

Tranny axe attacker split man’s face in HALF in rampage after bad Tinder date

Blames the operation that “left her in immense pain and fuelled her desire to kill strangers.”

CCTV reveals Evie Amati stormed the garage armed with a fire axe and took a swing at bystander Ben Rimmer.

She HE has been jailed for four-and-a-half years – with Her His lawyer blaming the sex change operation.

Her His legal team claimed the operation had left her Him in immense pain and fuelled Her His desire to kill strangers.

She HE was fuelled by drugs as She HE took the 2kg axe to the 7-Eleven in Enmore, Australia.

One hour earlier, She HE had posted on social media: “One day I am going to kill a lot of people.”

She HE was furious after She HE had a bad Tinder date with a woman in the hours previous.

Amati wrote on Facebook: “Humans are only able to destroy, to hate, so that is what I shall do.”

She HE added: “Most people deserve to die, I hate people.”

CCTV shows her Him doing a lap of the shop, before approaching Ben at the cash register.

The two began talking, before She HE then suddenly swung the axe at him – striking him across the face. Read more and see pics here

Radical Feminist: Transgender Activism Is a ‘Men’s Rights Movement’

Matthew 15:14 “Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.” 

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Kara Dansky, a feminist lawyer and spokeswoman for Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF), spoke against the so-called “Equality Act” at the Heritage Foundation on Monday, denouncing the transgender and gender identity movement as anti-women and anti- lesbian in particular. Her remarks echoed the London Pride March sign declaring that “Transactivism Erases Lesbians.”

“This is a men’s Rights movement — this is really a men’s rights movement,” Dansky declared, calling for men to stand up for women and denounce the transgender movement.

“Overwhelmingly women have been resisting this,” Hacsi Horvath, a man who once identified as a woman and underwent surgery, said a few seconds before Dansky’s remark. “And it’s really shocking how many men on the internet are defending the whole trans thing. Straight men are all about the trans, and you have to wonder what the heck is going on.”

Horvath agreed with Dansky in condemning transgender activism as a “Men’s Rights movement,” and Julia Beck — a lesbian and former member of the Baltimore mayor’s LGBTQ Commission — nodded in agreement. Beck had been kicked off of the commission for opposing transgender identity. Read more here.

Iran publicly hangs man on homosexuality charges

The Islamic Republic of Iran publicly hanged a 31-year-old Iranian man after he was found guilty of charges related to violations of Iran’s anti-gay laws, according to the state-controlled Iranian Students’ News Agency.

The unidentified man was hanged on January 10 in the southwestern city of Kazeroon based on criminal violations of “lavat-e be onf” – sexual intercourse between two men, as well as kidnapping charges, according to ISNA. Iran’s radical sharia law system prescribes the death penalty for gay sex. Read more here.

Pete Davidson Enrages Audience with Jokes About Having Sex with a Baby

What they are doing is trying to NORMALIZE talk to get people used to the perverts. Mark my words, they WILL LEGALIZE it soon!!! He looks like a Pedophile in my opinion!! Calling on Iran!!!!

Actor Pete Davidson reportedly left audience members angry last week during a shocking comedy set that saw the Saturday Night Live star cracking jokes about having sex with his friend’s baby.

At one point during his routine at The Bell House in Brooklyn, New York, Davidson relayed a story about the time he was babysitting his friend’s child. The baby was teething. Davidson noticed the baby sucking his finger, but in “good” way he quipped.

“I don’t want to fuck this baby but he’s asking for it,” Davidson said, according to the Montreal Gazette. He later added that he’s not into having sex with babies but if he was, he would choose that baby. Read more here  Calling on Iran!!!!

Pedophile Who Raped 8-Year-Old, Blames Victim for Making Him ‘Fall in Love’ 

Child molester blames young girl for viscous attacks, the judge disagrees

A pedophile has claimed that his 8-year-old victim was to blame for him raping her because she “made” him “fall in love at first sight,” according to court records. 

27-year-old Drew Bynum offered sheriff’s deputies the horrific excuse for his crimes after being arrested in June 2018. He reportedly admitted that he’d “messed up,” but claimed that the young child was at fault because he “fell in love with (the victim) the first time he saw her.”

Bynum, who was living with the child’s mother when the abuse started, was jailed for 60 years last week after taking a plea deal in which rape charges were waived in return for an admission of second-degree sexual assault. Read more here

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
If you appreciate what this Ministry is doing to Expose the Fake Christians, Satanists, Witches, Communist/Socialist Democrats, R.I.N.O Republicans and the assault on our Conservative, True Christian values, please consider a small donation to help us continue and expand. This Ministry is not only under attack by the Enemy, we are now under attack from supposed Christians also. It is what Tom Horn calls 'Blood on the Altar"!