Church in UK Bowing to Demands of Muslims

UK: Church offers to cover up crosses, host Ramadan prayers

Jihad Watch

A Darlington church is coming under fire after offering to cover up crosses and allow Muslims to say prayers in its building. St Matthew and St Luke’s had initially invited members of the Muslim community for an event next month to mark Ramadan.

This is a demonstration of dhimmitude at its best, while Christians suffer the horrors of persecution across islamic states for their inferior and hated status.  In a ray of hope…

Upon hearing about the event the Diocese of Durham intervened and told the church it must not hold Islamic prayers in the church building.

The church’s gaffe however was then glossed over and explained by the archbishop that the motivation was “from the position of integrity”.

Speaking to Premier, the Anglican Bishop of the Christian Episcopal Church in the UK said: “Clearly the motivation behind the event is very good. Anything that tries to get people together to understand each other and be good neighbors, is laudable and to be appreciated but it has to be done from a position of integrity.”

Quite the opposite.  No amount of damage control can fix this one. In offering to “hide crosses”, the vicar demonstrated an appalling lack of integrity–most troubling as a church leader. He was inconsiderate of and insulting to congregants, ignorant of Islamic supremacist incursion into the UK, irreverent as a church leader and in complete violation of Canon law….

This is a legal position outlined in Canons B1/2/3 and B5 Section 3 where it states: ‘all forms of service used under this Canon shall be reverent and seemly and shall be neither contrary to, nor indicative of any departure from, the doctrine of the Church of England in any essential matter’.

“Durham church criticised for offering to cover crosses and host Muslim prayers”, by Marcus Jones, Premier UK (Thanks to The Religion of Peace), May 19, 2019:

A Darlington church is coming under fire after offering to cover up crosses and allow Muslims to say prayers in its building.

St Matthew and St Luke’s had initially invited members of the Muslim community for an event next month to mark Ramadan.

It also offered different rooms to allow segregated worship for men and women.

Upon hearing about the event the Diocese of Durham intervened and told the church it must not hold Islamic prayers in the church building.

Rt Rev Dr Gavin Ashenden, a former chaplain to the Queen, is one of many to speak out.

Speaking to Premier, the Anglican Bishop of the Christian Episcopal Church in the UK said: “Clearly the motivation behind the event is very good. Anything that tries to get people together to understand each other and be good neighbors, is laudable and to be appreciated but it has to be done from a position of integrity.

Bishop Gavin has welcomed the intervention by the diocese but says he hopes lessons are learnt.

“They realise that the vicar made a silly mistake, but I’m glad it happened because it was raises in the public eye some important issues which people need to work through,” he said. “Islam and Christianity are not Abrahamic cousins in Middle Eastern religion. They’re actually antithetic to each other.”

It’s understood the event will go ahead, but prayers will be said elsewhere.

In a statement to Premier, a spokesperson for the Diocese of Durham said: “While it is vital to build good interfaith relations, it is clear that an act of worship from a non-Christian faith tradition is not permitted within a consecrated Church of England building.

Posted with permission form Jihad Watch

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The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
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