Church Of England Is Embracing Sexual Perversion And Considers Abandoning Christianity

They Are A FALSE RELIGION You can’t abandon something that you never were part of! Like the Mother Church, they merely have head knowledge of Jesus! The Church of England is a Mirror Image of Catholicism, minus the Vatican and False Prophet Pope! But they do have there own version! The Church of England convened a synod this past week, … Click Here to Read More

Nasty Nancy Pelosi Says We Must Save the Planet for Children

What about all of those CHILDREN that will NEVER SEE the Planet because YOU help MURDER them through ABORTION! How about that you Luciferian Jezebel Harlot? Nasty Nancy Pelosi: ‘I’m Catholic. I Come from a Pro-Life Family’ – You have to laugh at this one!   CNS News – In a “Dear Colleague” letter she sent on Monday, House Speaker … Click Here to Read More

Who are the Brethren, a Brother in Christ?

This also applies to Women who are Sister’s in Christ! 2nd Thessalonians 3:6 “Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, (teach things contrary to the Word of God) and not after the tradition (the True Gospel) which he received of us.” Simply put brethren … Click Here to Read More

Democrat Platform: Abortion, BLM, LGBTQPXYZ Unleashes the Power of Women!

Nancy Pelosi gushed over the fact that the Communist Democrats were so diverse with Illegal Aliens, Homosexuals, Lesbians, Tranny’s and the rest of the LGBTQPXYZ crowd!  She also Praised Democrats for being champions of abortion during her rehearsed DNC speech. With all of that Abomination, that is what will send all of them to HELL! Micaiah Bilger | Life News … Click Here to Read More

Mocking God: Yes Fredo, We DO Need HELP From ABOVE!

Chris Cuomo Tells Americans They ‘Don’t Need Help From Above’ In his case he is right, because he gets his help from BELOW, HELL, where his Daddy Satan will soon be residing with him! On Friday night, (6/26/20) CNN host Chris (Fredo) Cuomo emphasized to viewers that they do not need “help from above” but can do the right thing … Click Here to Read More

States of the Damned: The Damnation Donkeys

Mark 16:16 “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.” Ben Garrison – There is one constant about MSNBC and CNN: They shamelessly repeat their insane lies du jour over and over again. In that manner, maybe they think people will become brainwashed. Repetition is an MKUltra mind control tactic. Before … Click Here to Read More

Chi-Comm Coronavirus Hot Spots: Some Interesting Comparisons!

There are some very interesting facts that I have seen unfolding as the Bio-Weapon of the Chi-Comm’s spreads around the world! Notice: This is an evolving agenda of the Luciferian’s,  and more info will be revealed in the coming days and months. I will add updates to this article so bookmark it and check back. If you go to most … Click Here to Read More

Minnesota Catholic Priest said Islam is the ‘Greatest Threat in the World’ and has to Apologize!

That is like the Pot calling the Kettle Black!! I say BOTH ISLAM and CATHOLICISM are the ‘Greatest Threat (s) in the World’! Both religions have, and continue to be responsible for MILLIONS of Souls being condemned to an ETERNAL HELL! Just another sign of CathoIslam! Minnesota Catholic Priest Apologizes for Saying Islam Is the ‘Greatest Threat in the World’ … Click Here to Read More

Pedophile Rings Worldwide Panic As Cardinal Pell Awaits His Appeal

Let’s see if Pope Francis might be able to influence the Australian judges and save him from spending time in prison Leo Zagami | – Earlier this week, an ominous mural has appeared in the streets of Rome that has really upset Pope Francis. The mural located on Via Gregorio VII, near the Vatican, depicts the infamous Cardinal Pell, … Click Here to Read More

Anti-Semitism on the Rise: True News, a So-Called Christian Network, Calls on Believers to Repent for Standing with Israel

Boy will I get a lot of Flack on this one! However—Galatians 4:16 “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?” I used to be a follower of TruNews and Rick Wiles many many years ago until I started noticing a change. They were many red flags that popped up, so I quit listening and supporting … Click Here to Read More