The Peter Pan Syndrome: Will They Ever Grow Up?

The U.S. Has Spawned An Entire Generation Of “Kidults” That Simply Refuse To Grow Up 1st Corinthians 13:11 “When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.”  Well, some of us did! Since the 80’s more and more … Click Here to Read More

The Marxist Freaks Running Disney are Hell-Bent To Normalize Pedophilia

Disney Peddles Marxist Broke Wokeness What is Goofy’s sexual preference? Is Minnie pan-sexual? Is Snow White secretly into BDSM? Jon Bowne | News Wars – The left’s Marxist revolution to normalize pedophilia has in recent years launched a full-scale invasion from its decades-old Frankfurt School origins on American schools, culture, and government. These progressives, democratic socialists and community activists – … Click Here to Read More

The NOT So Wonderful World of Disney Is Full of Child Sexual Predators and Other Minions of Lucifer

And YOU keep right on promoting and watching their Witchcraft laced programming—that is grooming your Child or Grand Child—to be a Homosexual, Lesbian, Pedophile, Witch, Satanist, and a Hater of the Living God! YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM if you allow your Child or Grand Child to watch ANY of this UN-Godly spawn from Hell. YOU WILL be held … Click Here to Read More

Hollywood Superstar Claims Victim of Pedophilia, Molested while working for Disney as Child

Bella Thorne says she was sexually assaulted from ages 6-14 Kelen McBreen | – Hollywood actress Bella Thorne alleges she was a victim of pedophilia during her time as a Disney child actress. In a June 20 interview receiving little attention from MSM, Thorne told a stunned audience she was molested from ages 6-14 while everyone around her “saw … Click Here to Read More

Disney Promotes Killing the Very Ones who would Grow Up to Visit their Hell Holes

Disney Threatens To Cut Off Georgia Film Production Over Pro-Life Laws But Has MASSIVE Business With Communist China Gateway Pundit – Hollywood hypocrites are at it again, threatening to cut off production in Georgia over their new pro-life legislation outlawing abortion in their state. First it was Netflix, and now it’s Disney. This is nothing more than virtue signaling on … Click Here to Read More

Disney Re-Hires ‘Guardians Of The Galaxy’ Director James Gunn Despite Pedo Tweet Scandal

Director repeatedly ‘joked’ about raping children Adan Salazar – Disney and Marvel Studios have revealed they will rehire James Gunn to direct the third installment of the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise, despite a scandal last year involving multiple disturbing tweets related to pedophilia. In an announcement made public Friday, the studios revealed they’d reached an agreement to bring back … Click Here to Read More

Disney to Celebrate Homosexual Pride Month with Magic!

Disneyland Paris to Host ‘Magical Pride’ on June 1 for Homosexual ‘Pride Month’ Heather Clark | Christian News – Disneyland Paris has announced that it plans to host its first official “Magical Pride” event on June 1 in observance of homosexual and transgender Pride Month. “Join us for this celebration of pride at the place where dreams come true,” the … Click Here to Read More

Disney Opens the Queer Closet Door

Disney ‘Family’ Show: ‘I’m Gay’ — ‘OK, Cool’ When you allow your children to watch Disney, you are indoctrinating them into the Sodomite mentality, and dooming them just like Sodom and Gomorrah! Michael W. Chapman | CNS News – In a recent episode of Disney’s popular Andi Mack show, which targets elementary and middle school kids, the homosexual character “Cyrus Goodman” … Click Here to Read More

The Disney Kingdom is a Pedophile Hell Hole

This was reported in October 1998. The reason for this old news is to give you a background about the perverts that prey on your kids when you take them to this Children’s Hell Hole!   Is Disney Hiring Pedophiles? October 1998! – ORLANDO, Florida, (LSN) – The Conservative News Service (CNS) reported Wednesday on a book by investigative journalists which … Click Here to Read More