9 yr. old Boy has vision of Wormwood, Nuclear War, and GIANTS coming out of the Earth!

There are some troubling times ahead and some very Nasty things that will come UP OUT OF THE EARTH!

This is a very timely vision seeing how there have been Multiple News stories of Asteroids  passing by earth and Climactic weather,  the threat of Nuclear War with North Korea,  and recent “revealings” of suppressed information of the ancient past! See trailer at the end of this article.

Excerpted from Michael Snyder (H/T)

A grandmother known as “A Daughter of The Highest King” on YouTube came across a dry erase board that her 9-year-old grandson had been drawing on, and the things that he had been drawing were so unusual that she decided to ask him about them.

Well, it turns out that this little boy had been trying to draw a picture of things that were shown to him in a vision. When he received this vision he was in bed, but he was not asleep at the time. He told his grandmother that in his vision he was standing in space and looking down at the Earth, and it appears that he may have been shown things that are coming in the future.

He said that he saw a giant asteroid that appeared to be “flaming hot red” coming toward the Earth.

As it got very close, he said that it appeared to break up into pieces and strike multiple locations, but according to him the main impact seems to have happened in the Atlantic Ocean.

After the asteroid strikes, this 9-year-old boy was shown nuclear missiles flying all over the world, and many of them hit the United States.

He also saw the planet breaking apart in various areas and a “giant crack in the middle of America”. I have been warning about the great “megaquake” that is coming to the New Madrid fault zone for many years, but it is not clear from the video if that is exactly what he saw.

But what Michael did not include was this:

At the 4:39 minute mark (full Video below) he starts the explanation of the division sign ÷ that shows it positioned in Europe. (? See video clip) Possibly Switzerland at the CERN Collider perhaps? He said that there were “giant people with goat horns coming up, walking all over the place , and there was Lava all over the place and was creepy”

Note the text next to the division sign, “ hell on earth”!

I believe that the Division Symbol has not only a meaning of dividing numbers in math, but also the division between Heaven and Hell. It also could be another reference to the Satanic Doctrine ÷ “as above, so below” No I am not saying the boy is Satanic. I merely point out that GOD has given insight into another sign of the division between Good and Evil, Right and Wrong and Heaven and Hell!

The words “As above, So below” are recorded in the Hermetic texts from The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, which states: “That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish the miracle of the One Thing.”

In the heavens above, the planet’s energies are that which is so below on earth. We humans who live on the so below are made of these same heavenly energies of that which is as above. Hence, the microcosm is oneself, and the macrocosm is the universe.

Manly P. Hall had said, “We are the gods of the atoms that make up ourselves, but we are also the atoms of the gods that make up the universe”; and Paracelsus says that man’s spirit comes from the stars, his soul from the planets, his body from the elements. More recently Carl Sagan had said quite simply, “we’re made of star stuff.”

Our immortal souls belong to the Creator like the stars in the heavens.

Humans are made of the heavens who are found among the stars and planets. The heavens on the AS ABOVE is the macrocosm, and we humans on the SO BELOW, the microcosm. The same chemical energies found in the AS ABOVE stars such as phosphorus, hydrogen, sodium, Sulfur, magnesium, and iron can be found in almost all living organisms including we humans on the SO BELOW. Source Gnostic Warrior

Just some more occult, new age crap designed to keep people from knowing and accepting the REAL Creator in the pages of the King James Bible.

Where is Hell?

Various theories on the location of hell have been put forward. A traditional view is that hell is in the center of the earth. Others propose that hell is located in outer space in a black hole. In the Old Testament, the word translated “ hell” is Sheol; in the New Testament, it’s Hades (meaning “unseen”) and Gehenna (“the Valley of Hinnom”). Sheol is also translated as “pit” and “grave.” Both Sheol and Hades refer to a temporary abode of the dead before judgment (Psalm 9:17; Revelation 1:18). Gehenna refers to an eternal state of punishment for the wicked dead (Mark 9:43).

The idea that hell is below us, perhaps in the center of the earth, comes from passages such as Luke 10:15: “And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted to heaven, shalt be thrust down to hell” (KJV). Also, in 1st Samuel 28:13-15, the medium of Endor sees the spirit of Samuel “coming up out of the ground.” We should note, however, that neither of these passages is concerned with the geographic location of hell. Capernaum’s being thrust “down” is probably a reference to their being condemned rather than a physical direction. And the medium’s vision of Samuel was just that: a vision.

In the King James Version, Ephesians 4:9 says that before Jesus ascended into heaven, “he also descended . . . into the lower parts of the earth.” Some Christians take “the lower parts of the earth” as a reference to hell, where they say Jesus spent the time between His death and resurrection. However, the New International Version gives a better translation: “he also descended to the lower, earthly regions.” This verse simply says that Jesus came to earth. It’s a reference to His incarnation, not to His location after death. Source Got Questions.

Also see this Info:
The Gates of Hell.
What will Hell be like?

I will add one more reference of the Rich man and Lazarus which is excerpted from Ghosts, Goblins, Haunting’s and the Paranormal.

In Luke 16:19-31, Jesus tells the story of the rich man and Lazarus. In this story we learn that there are two compartments for the dead (the UN-redeemed) until the Great White Throne Judgment (Revelation 20:11). Also in the story, the rich man asks for Lazarus to be sent back to warn the living. Abraham says it would do no good because if they will not believe God’s written Word, they will not believe though one should rise from the dead.

From the above three passages of Scripture, we can conclude that there are compartments in which the spirits of the dead dwell for now and that while there are a few instances in which God allowed interaction between the living and the dead, those situations were very rare and not nearly as common as contact between people and angelic beings. Also Luke 16:27-31 would indicate that no human spirits are allowed to return to visit the living without permission, and if permission is not granted for the purpose of warning people to flee from the wrath to come, it would not be given for trifling reasons. See the whole article here.

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If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
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